Alex Procope speaks on Critical Considerations for Older Clients Transferring Real Estate

Alex Procope joined Audrey Miller from Elder Caring Inc. and Jane Martin a on a panel discussing Critical Considerations for Older Clients Transferring Real Estate on September 30, 2020. The panel was part of the Ontario Bar Association: Program Utilizing Real Estate Transfers for Estate Planning Purposes. The program was presented jointly by the Real Estate, Taxation, Elder Law and Trusts and Estates Sections and is recorded for future viewing. The program description is set out below:

Real estate transfers can be effectively utilized in estate planning to help achieve your clients’ goals. However, it is essential that you are up to speed on the many substantive and practice issues that can arise when transferring real property in these circumstances.

Join us to explore the potential pitfalls and key considerations, and gather best practices for protecting both your clients and yourself.

Alex has been voted by his peers to the executives of both the Elder Law and Trusts and Estates Sections of the Ontario Bar Association. All PBP Lawyers practice Elder Law, capacity and estates disputes where imprudent or poorly documented real estate transfers can turn into big problems for older and vulnerable clients.