Alex Procope presented his paper on human rights and accommodating disabilities at the Law Society of Ontario‘s continued professional development program The Six-Minute Estates Lawyer Program, which took place in Toronto on May 3, 2018. This program was designed to get Estate solicitors and litigators up to date with legislative developments, recent case law, and best practices. It covered a wide variety of additional topics including:
- Predatory marriages
- Gifts to charities in wills and dealing with charities in an estate administration
- Cross-border and domestic tax issues
- Estate mediation
- Hotchpot clauses
- Life insurance and RRSP beneficiary designations for minors
- Appointments of Estate Trustee During Litigation
- Interim order for dependent’s support
- Privilege and the duty of confidentiality
- Conflicts between the role of estate trustee and estate solicitor
- Disputes over remains
- Deathbed retainers
- Qualifying spousal trusts, alter ego trusts and joint spousal trusts
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