Mercedes and lawyer Marshall Swadron successfully argued that costs should be awarded in an unsuccessful public interest constitutional challenge. Costs in the amount of $100,000 were awarded to the Empowerment Council in its Charter challenge to the Box B and community treatment order provisions in Ontario’s Mental Health Act. This was a notable accomplishment given […]

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Alex was successful in seeking the removal of counsel appointed for an incapable person in an end-of-life case at the Consent and Capacity Board. The lawyer, who was appointed for a non-communicating senior, had put forward a personal opinion on the issues in dispute. The Board agreed that it was inappropriate to take a position […]

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Mercedes successfully represented the three children of an elderly Orthodox Jewish woman in a coma at the Baycrest Hospital in a challenge to her power of attorney for personal care document.  The woman had appointed her three children as her attorneys for personal care.  The power of attorney document was boilerplate and contained an “end […]

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