Alex Procope and Jane Meadus again co-chaired the Osgoode Elder Law 2022 Certificate Program. The program was conduced online again, which permitted a stellar line-up of speakers who appeared from across the country. Alex taught the sessions providing an overview of capacity and substitute-decision making regimes and on professional responsibility. PBP Lawyer Kelley Bryan also […]

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SDM or Substitute Decision-Maker A substitute decision-maker (SDM for short) in Ontario is a person who is legally authorized to make decisions for a person who is mentally incapable of making the decision for themselves. Because decisions by an SDM limit individual autonomy, there are various laws, rules and procedures that apply to SDMs and […]

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Kelley Bryan, with co-counsel Karen Spector and Professor Tess Sheldon, appeared at the Supreme Court of Canada on January 12 and 13, 2022 in Attorney General of British Columbia v. Council of Canadians with Disabilities. The Supreme Court is considering whether constitutional litigation may be brought by public interest organizations without an individual co-plaintiff.  Public […]

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Mercedes Perez was a guest speaker at the Ontario Bar Association‘s program titled Cultural Competency & Elder Law: Practical and Ethical Considerations.  The program was held today, December 2, 2021 and was chaired by lawyer Diane Vieira from de Vries Litigation.  Mercedes presented alongside her fellow guest speakers, lawyer Omar Ha-Redeye and Pia Hundal on […]

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Alex Procope was invited to speak at the Ontario Bar Association Litigator’s Toolkit program, which took place on November 23, 2021. This program was presented by the OBA Trusts and Estates Section and reviewed strategies for moving your case forward including preparing for judicial mediation and case conferences; what to do if mediation fails and […]

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PBP Lawyers are celebrating our fifth anniversary! We’re grateful to all of our clients and peers for supporting our ongoing work and we’re looking forward to the next five years! In honour of the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we are making a donation to Aboriginal Legal Services and hope it helps their […]

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