On September 23, 2021, Alex Procope presented a case law update alongside Lisa Filgiano counsel at the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee. Practice Gems: Estates Administration 2021 was an online professional development program presented by the Law Society of Ontario. It covered topics including the unsettled law respecting beneficiary designations, compensation of lawyers acting as […]

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Kelley Bryan and co-counsel Karen Steward are honoured to represent the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) in an upcoming intervention before the Supreme Court of Canada. Last week, the Supreme Court granted LEAF intervener status in the case of AS v. Her Majesty the Queen.  AS will be heard along with another appeal, JJ v. Her Majesty […]

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Alex Procope co-chaired the Ontario Bar Association’s Innovation in Trusts & Estates Law 2021 program with Jonathan Keslassy of KFG Law on June 1, 2021. Some of the topics that were discussed are highlighted below. Friedrich Blasé, the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) Innovator in Residence, opened the discussion about the difficulties lawyers have choosing technology […]

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Earlier this year the World Health Organization (WHO) published its Global Report on Ageism (Report). The Report resonated with me as I and my partners at Perez Bryan Procope LLP routinely work with older people in our practice, which includes capacity law, access to care and benefits, and elder law. In my article “How to […]

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Kelley Bryan and Alex Procope are returning faculty members for the upcoming Osgoode Certificate in Elder Law. This 5-day intensive, live and interactive online program begins on March 31, 2021. It is designed for lawyers, long-term care home personnel, physicians and nurses, law enforcement, social workers and allied health professionals. Kelley will teach on Day […]

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As part of Alzheimer’s Awareness Month in January 2021, Alex Procope presented at Right at Home Canada’s webinar Power of Attorney, Guardianship and Substitute Decision Making Basics. Primarily healthcare providers and administrators attended this webinar. Alex discussed the basics of Ontario’s capacity laws and decision-making for people found incapable respecting property management or personal care. […]

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Mercedes Perez and Alex Procope spoke at Osgoode Professional Development‘s The Legal Guide to Consent, Capacity & Substitute Decision Making program in December 2020. The program attendees included lawyers, health practitioners and care facility administrators. Through case studies, Mercedes discussed the application of the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992. Also, Mercedes was one of the panel speakers […]

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